Research & Development
Studies on demand
A complete and tailor-made range of III-V semiconductors from microwave to optical applications: III-V PICs (Photonic Integrated Circuits), III-V on silicon circuits, GaN and InP transistors...
Research & Development
Studies on demand
Wafer epitaxy
Foundry offer
Research & Development
Collaborative projects
Advanced components
on specifications
The III-V Lab masters all the technologies needed to fabricate the most advanced microelectronics and photonics semiconductor components (see our expertise) for your more demanding high speed and high power applications from microwave to optics requiring:
III-V Lab can support your projects from the earliest phase in Research & Development up to the production ramp-up with unique capabilities and competences at all steps of your project:
Our unique business model of Industrial Laboratory will enable you to get fast proof of concepts in R & D mode. When the concepts needs to be evaluated in a much industrial way a Pilot Line approach can be adopted in order to support small to medium size productions for niches markets or ramping up applications. And when mass production is foreseen, we can manage technology transfer to industrial partners.
From microwave to optics: a wide range of technologies for semiconductor integrated circuits
This roadmap paves the way to a large family of component families serving multiple applications as :